Reasons for Upset Tummies

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1 Minute read, Published: August 7, 2024

When dogs get diarrhoea people often jump straight to an intolerance or allergy… There are many reasons your dog may get an upset tummy. ESPECIALLY PUPPIES.

Many puppies/dogs get diarrhoea when having their vaccinations, this could be an adverse reaction to their injections, or it could be caused by the stress of visiting the vet.

Using commercial worming and flea treatments containing chemicals can cause side effects, one of these being diarrhoea.

All dogs but especially puppies love to eat things that aren’t meant for them. If your pup picks up and eats things on their walk – this will likely give them an upset tummy.

What to do? If you are just starting your dog/puppy on raw – make us aware if they recently had their vaccinations. If you experience diarrhoea after vaccinations, switch to scrambled eggs or cooked fish/chicken for a few days… until it clears. Then return to raw. Don’t panic and don’t immediately assume it is the raw food.

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